Club Constitution

The Serbian Golf Club Geelong was established at the completion of the first Serbian Cup in January 1978. The constitution was then written and accepted in October of 1994.

1. Name of the Club

The name of the club shall be "The Serbian Golf Club of Geelong". The Club shall be a non-proprietary and non-profit organisation. The Club shall be an independent body with no ties or affiliations to any other club or organisation.

2. Objective of the Club

The original objective of the Club in 1978 was to promote the game of golf with the Serbian Community. It has since expanded to promote the game of golf within the broader community and to promote sportsmanship, friendship and fellowship amongst its members. Maintain longevity and provide a variety of competitions on a regular basis and also increase membership numbers.

3. Club Committee

The Club Committee shall consist of the following:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Handicapper
  • Club Captain
  • Public Relations

All committee members have equal voting rights.

4. Committee Meetings

The Committee shall meet at the completion of all competitions to attend to all matters of business or as is deemed necessary.

5. Annual General Meeting

Unless otherwise notified the AGM will be held upon the completion of business and presentation of trophies on January 8th of each year. The President shall conduct the presentations and proceedings of the AGM. The Committee for the following calendar year shall be elected at the AGM.

6. Golf Club Membership

Membership to the Club is open to one and all. All members must abide by the rules of the Club and the Committee's descisions. The Committee reserves the right to refuse or review memberships in the interest of the Club and its members. An annual membership fee shall apply, which will be reviewed at the AGM. Fees must be paid prior to the commencement of golf round for player to be eligible for points and prizes.

7. Handicapping

Handicapping in accordance with Golf Australia guidelines and at handicapper's discretion. The maximum GA Handicap under the World Handicap System is 54.0 for both men and women.

8. Competition

Slobodan Mirkovic Medal

A minimum of twelve monthly rounds of competition shall be played during the course of the year unless weather or government restrictions have shorten the season. A scoring system where players will be awarded points depending on the position they finish in the field of competition. The Club member with the greatest number of points after the final round of competition for the year, shall be deemed the Slobodan Mirkovic Medal Champion. In the case of a tie the player who has scored points on the most number of occassions shall be deemed the winner. All current financial members of the Club with an officially recognised handicap are eligible for this competition.

Club Championship

During the last 3 rounds of competition for the calendar year, the Club member with the highest Stableford score from any 2 of their scorecards, shall be deemed the Club Champion. All current financial members of the Club with a current Club or officially recognised handicap are eligible for this competition. Players must also have completed 3 rounds of golf during the year in Club competition prior to the commencement of the Club Championship to be eligible for this competition.

Serbian Cup

The player to card the best nett score on January 8th of each year at Queens Park Golf Course shall be deemed the winner of the Serbian Cup. This competition is played as part of Boxing Day celebrations. It was originally played as part of Boxing Day celebrations to introduce and to involve the Serbian Community in the game of golf. Players must have a current Golflink handicap or recognised World Golf System handicap to be eligible to compete in this competition.

9. Conduct of Competitions

It will be the responsibility of the Committee to:

  • Organise the annual calendar fixture;
  • Organise all special competitions;
  • Start the field;
  • Collect and check scorecards;
  • Rule on any points of dispute;
  • Organise all prizes, trophies, engraving and embossing of trophies and shields.

10. Condition of Play

All games are to be played to the rules of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. In the instance of tied scores the following count-back system is to be applied:

  1. The best score for the last nine holes played shall determine the winner;
  2. In the event of tied scores still, the best score for the last 6 holes played followed by the last 3 shall determine the winner.
  3. Should scores still be tied the above rules will be applied to the first nine holes played.

11. Trophies and Prizes

  • Slobodan Mirkovic Medal
  • Club Championship
  • Serbian Cup
  • Rade Jaksic Memorial Shield

12. Donations

The Club shall make a donation to the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, Geelong, at the Mens' and Womens' Slava of each year. Amount to be determined by the Committee.

serbian golf club geelong constitution